Meet Our Froth Queen Events Coordinator.
“The ocean is the only place where my brain stops. There is nothing else but the next set of waves, the blurry line between the water and the sky, the wind, the sun and the landscape.”
What inspired you to keep going with surfing after trying it the first few times?
The first time I tried was when I was 19 in Tofino, Canada, and I was instantly hooked, despite the very cold water (even though it was in the middle of Canadian summer!).
How do you usually feel during or after a surf?
The ocean is the only place where my brain stops. There is nothing else but the next set of waves, the blurry line between the water and the sky, the wind, the sun, the landscape. It is immensely beneficial for my mental health.
Can it be frustrating out there sometimes, or do you always enjoy it?
It seems like the ocean always has something to offer or to teach me. Even in the most frustrating conditions, I try to remember to be grateful that I am privileged enough to practice this sport and find the thing(s) I’ve never noticed before.
Where's your favourite spot to surf?
People who know me will know that around here my favourite spot is definitely Kennett River. What I realised recently is that I like remote breaks, where the human presence is smaller than that of nature, where the built environment is not overpowering Country, where you can truly feel immersed in the landscape.
How good would you like to get?
As good as my body will let me progress! Ideally, I would love to cross step and nose ride but that might never happen and I’m ok with that. I don’t surf to be a good surfer. I surf because I love how I feel in the water and because of all the positive human connections I cultivate through it.
How often do you usually surf?
At least once a week, otherwise I get antsy
How do you deal with the chilly winters down on the Surf Coast?
I am from Canada so I absolutely don’t mind the cold! I actually quite enjoy the cold mornings, it’s quieter and usually better surf than in summer so definitely worth it! Having two hot water bottles in the car to pour on you after the surf is also a great trick!
How about surf trips: been on any good ones?
Kauai in Hawaii was amazing. I’d love to go back now that I’m further along in my surf journey. More recently, I visited Lombok, Indonesia, and that was amazing too! All my trips are pretty surf oriented now.
Any advice for someone thinking of taking up surfing?
Don’t let your brain tell you you can’t. Don’t compare yourself. Do it just because you enjoy it. Allow yourself to embrace the connection to nature. Enjoy this truly amazing hobby without the pressure of performance. We are already under so much pressure to perform in all other aspects of our lives. The most important thing is to have fun!